Twilight Struggle: South Asian Monsoon (Angol kiadás)

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A játék kiadása: Angol

A játék: Angol nyelvű

Játékosszám: 1-2 játékos

Játékidő: 120 perc

Ajánlott: 12 éves kortól


Szerzők: Jason Matthews, Jason Carr

Kiadó: GMT Games LLC

Kiadás éve: 2025

Sorozat: Twilight Struggle játékok



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Advanced Twilight Struggle

We have stated repeatedly that our foreign policy is one of keeping aloof from the big blocs of nations—rival blocs—and being friendly to all countries and not becoming entangled in any alliances, military or other that may drag us into any possible conflict. - Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India (1950-1964)

Twilight Struggle: South Asian Monsoon is a two-player, stand-alone, card-driven game that builds on the award-winning Twilight Struggle. While the United States and Soviet Union were locked in the Cold War, the South Asian region took on a new importance. As newly-independent countries formed out of the remains of crumbling European empires, each Superpower scrambled to establish influence with these fledgling nations. Some South Asian countries played the US and USSR against one another, seeking to maximize investment, aid, and military assistance in exchange for bases, political favors, and expressions of support. Some remained “non-aligned” and refused to join either bloc formally—which did not stop them from taking generous aid packages—and others sought the creation of a third bloc, aligned with China.

Twilight Struggle: South Asian Monsoon adds new mechanisms to the tried-and-true Twilight Struggle formula to account for the fluid and unpredictable politics of South Asia during the Cold War. Newly Independent Countries appear during the game, and players must prepare for their arrival while not knowing in exactly what order they will declare independence. Some Countries will join the Non-Aligned Movement and force Superpowers to remove influence each turn. Instead of competing in the Space Race, South Asian Monsoon finds Superpowers backing one or more of the Chinese factions vying to ascend to power upon Mao’s death, with benefits available to each power if they are willing to reveal who they have supported.

To make sure you get the most out of Twilight Struggle: South Asian Monsoon, a full solitaire system is included, based on the system in Twilight Struggle: Red Sea. This system can replace either the US or Soviet player and provides a difficult and unique challenge.

While Twilight Struggle: Red Sea was a simpler Twilight Struggle experience, Twilight Struggle: South Asian Monsoon is a more complex experience. With a playtime of 90-120 minutes, South Asian Monsoon is shorter than a full game of Twilight Struggle, while introducing new mechanisms to depict unique aspects of the Cold War in South Asia.

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