Triangle Agency Normal Briefcase Collection (Angol nyelvű)

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Kiadó: Modiphius Entertainment

Kiadás éve: 2025



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The Triangle Agency: Normal Briefcase Collection is the ultimate Triangle Agency experience.

While the Core Rulebook on its own contains everything required to play Triangle Agency, the extras included in this Collection, from The Vault mission collection and Triangle Agenda character organizer to the special dice, will all support you and your team every step of the way. All of this is packaged in a stylish box, designed to replicate the iconic Normal Briefcase assigned to Agents at the start of every mission.

The Triangle Agency: Normal Briefcase Collection includes:

  • The Triangle Agency Core Rulebook contains all the rules you need to play Triangle Agency, from your Agents’ onboarding to their retirement.
  • The Vault: Missions for Triangle Agency contains unique and varied Anomalies to study and apprehend, comprising enough Missions to span a team of Agents’ entire careers.
  • The Triangle Agenda: Character Keeper and custom-designed four-sided Triangle Agency Dice Set offer Agents the material support they need to track notes during play and to roll in Agency-approved style.
  • The Normal Briefcase box and additional Secret Dice that offer special power to Agents who unlock them during play!

This book deals with mature themes and features several stories in the horror genre. Some content warnings include: body horror, mind control, needles, plastic surgery, suffocation, memory loss, gore, force feeding, harm to animals, drowning, parental death, divorce, imprisonment, experiments on humans, car accidents, extreme heights, rats, tight spaces, being trapped underground, overdose, body transformations, electric shock, youth homelessness.

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