Shadow Scar RPG Starter Set (Angol nyelvű)

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Kiadó: R. Talsorian Games Inc.

Kiadás éve: 2024

Sorozat: Shadow Scar RPG



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Welcome to the Shadow Scar Agency

Decades ago, a war between gods spilled out across the many worlds of the Mosaic! Terrible monsters called yokai found their way into the countless dimensions, preying on the unsuspecting natives from the shadows. To counteract this monstrous threat the Shadow Scar Agency was created. This organization of secret agents, trained in the ancient arts of Ninjutsu, scour the multiverse to find the yokai and put a stop to their vile plans.

Shadow Scar, the new game from the creator of The Witcher TRPG Cody Pondsmith, takes you into a whole new IP from R. Talsorian Games! Step into the Mosiac and enter the Shadow Scar Agency as you begin your journey through a multiverse threatened by unseen Yokai.

The Shadow Scar Starter Set is the perfect introduction to the many worlds of a Mosaic and includes:

  • One booklet full of lore on the worlds and factions of Shadow Scar.
  • One booklet with all the essential rules needed to play right out of the box.
  • One booklet containing the 50 page Mask of the Green Demon adventure.
  • Six customizable characters.
  • A set of Shadow Scar-themed dice
  • Maps and tokens to help bring the world of Shadow Scar to life!

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