A Bolt nyitva: Hétköznap 12 -19 -ig, Szombaton 10 -18 -ig Címe: 1067 Budapest Szondi u. 18/a.
A játék: Angol nyelvű
Játékosszám: 2-6 játékos
Játékidő: 90 perc
Ajánlott: 12 éves kortól
Kremlin is a game for 3-6 players, playable in multiple ways–with fictional politicians, with Bolshevik leaders in the early years of the USSR, or with modern politicians from the modern Soviet era. A Spiel des Jahres Recommended Pick in 1987, Kremlin is considered a gaming and cult classic, the first crossover boardgame from Europe into the American market.
In Kremlin, players secretly assign influence to Soviet politicians who may or may not currently occupy important offices in the Party bureaucracy. To use the levers of power, a player must publicly declare influence on that politician. The catches? First, someone else may reveal they have greater influence and choose to do something else. Second, as long as influence is secret, it can’t be lost, but once it is declared, if the politician finds himself in Siberia or dead, that influence is permanently lost. Wait–I keep the secret influence on a dead guy? Yes, you can, because with the real-life politicians, they have proteges, so the influence carries over (they are the flip side of the card).