A Bolt nyitva: Hétköznap 12 -19 -ig, Szombaton 10 -18 -ig Címe: 1067 Budapest Szondi u. 18/a.
Genestealer Cults are fanatical sects of alien hybrids that infest Human worlds beyond count. They lurk unseen for generations, hiding and preparing in the dark until their Day of Ascension arrives. Then they rise in a tide of mutated acolytes, turncoat soldiery, and predatory xenos monstrosities to tear down those they see as oppressors.
Codex: Genestealer Cults contains a trove of background information covering prominent Genestealer infestations from the past and present, accompanied by spectacular artwork and galleries of painted miniatures. Take a detailed look into the organisation of these xeno-tainted armies and the troops, leaders, and war machines that fight among them. This book also contains the rules for leading a Genestealer Cults army in Combat Patrol, Crusade, and Matched Play games of Warhammer 40,000.
This book also contains a one-use code to unlock Codex: Genestealer Cults content in Warhammer 40,000: The App.