A Bolt nyitva: Hétköznap 12 -19 -ig, Szombaton 10 -18 -ig Címe: 1067 Budapest Szondi u. 18/a.
Until your champions take the field!
Clan or Inner Sphere, there are those MechWarriors who lead from the tip of the spear, inspiring those around them, able to say the outcome on one carefully chosen moment. They are your Legendary MechWarriors.
The Legendary MechWarriors Pack includes Natasha Kerensky's Dire Wolf, Aidan Pryde's Timber Wolf, Grayson Death Carlyle's Marauder and Morgan Kell's Archer.
This ForcePack includes four high-quality, fully assembled BattleMechs, four Alpha Strike cards, and four pilot cards.