A Bolt nyitva: Hétköznap 12 -19 -ig, Szombaton 10 -18 -ig Címe: 1067 Budapest Szondi u. 18/a.
You will be playing as one of the classic monsters of folklore: a vampire, witch, werewolf, ghost etc, that sought to strike fear into the hearts of humans. However... you're a bit of a loser. As a strange void in you grows and depression starts knocking on your door, you decide to head to a monster psychologist. One of your main grievances is that people simply don't scare as easily anymore.
As it turns out, you are not alone in having this problem. Lots of monsters in the Depressives Anonymous meetings that you attend share the same issue, and the source of the problem is clear. There are humans out there, who are so vile that they frighten humans more than old-school monsters do. In fact, these evil humans are on top of the food chain, and have created a world that drips with fear. People have no time to fear vampires. They're afraid of electricity bills, of getting fired, of running afoul of the local drug lord that has the police in his pocket. Monsters have outlived their usefulness. There is but one solution. The monsters will set aside their traditional role of terrorizing humans, and will instead HELP them depose those vile fearmongers in order to restore balance to society.
Hack & Slice is a rules system created to cover the needs of what are mainly narrativebased settings. Its goal is no different from the goal of all other RPG Rule Systems, which is to help the narrator tell the story they created, and help players interact with that story, shaping how it unfolds and eventually concludes. “Hack & Slice is not actually recommended for ‘hack & slash’ or ‘dungeon crawling’ settings. Obviously its name is a pun.”