A Bolt nyitva: Hétköznap 12 -19 -ig, Szombaton 10 -18 -ig Címe: 1067 Budapest Szondi u. 18/a.
There is still Unfinished Busimess in the Outer Rim. Navigate hyperlanes through the Core Worlds, unveiling untapped opportunities and facing deadlier bounties. Packed with new characters, ships, gear, and more, this expansion introduces fresh dynamics with "favors" and "ambitions," challenging players to navigate the galaxy and get down to business.
With the Unfinished Business Organizer you will be able to store all components of the expansion in the base game box to aid you in adding even more turns to your journey through the galaxy. The organizer fits neatly on top of the base game organizer.
The organizer does not work on its own, it is a complementary to the Outer Rim Organizer.
With the base game and expansion organizers in the gamebox, there is 2.4 cm lid-lift, the gamebox can be stored vertically.
This is a third-party accessory designed by Laserox. All product names are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Laserox.
This kit requires assembly. We advise the use of wood glue, which is sold separately.