CY_BORG RPG: Core Rulebook (Angol nyelvű)

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  • webrend/images/termek_large/2022/szerepjatek_2022_flp_cy_borgrpg_corerulebook3_lrg.webp


Kiadó: Free League Publishing

Kiadás éve: 2022

Sorozat: Cy_Borg RPG



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A Nano-infested doomsday RPG about cybernetic misfits and punks raging against a relentless corporate hell.

The world is ending

Again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Constantly in flux; shifting, d̵̃is̴to̴rt̷in̶g̷, always reborn as something worse. Destruction by ecological catastrophes, the fallout of history's belligerence; by modern man-made Miseries or the blood spilled by the reckless machine of capitalist supremacy. Mankind's greatest ability truly is to destroy itself in creative ways. Designer demise, consumer-customized death, endlessly on repeat.

Poisonous space rocks, nuclear weapons, cyclical revolutions, warring nations, warring corporations, warring neighbors; pandemics, tsunamis, volcanoes. In between it all: direct person-machine interfaces, tactical neural implants, and bacteria from outer space hijacking intercellular nanorobotics. And the sky is full of ads.

Everyone is interfaced/injected/in̴fe̴cted̶/infested with something. Everyone wants something from everyone else. Everyone is a liar and a cheat. Everyone wants more creds. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Welcome to the year 20X3.

Welcome to the City of Y!

The Cy.

CY_BORG is a complete rules-light, rage-heavy tabletop roleplaying game based on and compatible with MÖRK BORG. Easy to play, easy to hack.

In it you’ll find:

  • A drive-by description of the megacity Cy after the Incident: from its rotting slums where gangs, cults and military corporations wage war, to the blinding scraper forests, neon cathedrals and holo-shimmering arcologies of Central and the toxic industrial hell zones shrouding it all in poisonous (but CYstainable Planet™ Certified) death smog.
  • Quick and dirty character creation where the roll of the dice determines who your punk is, what they’re capable of and who they owe money to.
  • d66 Miserable Headlines making the rounds on the news and feeds with varying regularity, each one heralding chaos and destruction wracking the city until the cataclysmic conclusion seven headlines in.
  • A minimal, simple system designed to stay out of the way and to be easily modded and customized. Rulings before rules. MÖRK BORG at its core, with a few tweaks and updates.
  • Optional rules and tables: Add tactical crunch to your violence with combat mods for cover, suppressive fire and more. Six classes for your class war, including the Forsaken Gang-Goon, the Shunned Nanomancer and the Renegade Cyberslasher. Tables adding depth and character to your punk, such as Style, Quirks and Current Obsession.
  • Random Generators facilitating near-endless play: missions, locations, corporations, cults and npcs populating the accelerating apocalypse.
  • Equipment (of varying legality) like guns and specialized ammo booster plug-ins, intelligent body armor, cybertech, decks fitted with custom Apps, and almost-controllable Nano powers with their latent infestations.
  • 25+ foes to fight. From the countless soldiers of the SecCorps and gangs to corrupted Nanophreaks, soulless drones and cydroids, state-of-the-art combat vehicles and the ethereal, digital apparitions classified as Ghosts.
  • The introductory heist Lucky Flight Takedown. Scope and infiltrate the Lucky Flight Casino, clear the debt data and/or shut the whole operation down. Should be a quick and easy job, right?

CY_BORG is created by Christian Sahlén and Johan Nohr of Stockholm Kartell.

A Cy_Borg RPG sorozat többi tagja:

11340,- Ft
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Ingyenes szállítás 18000,- Ft felett, kizárólag GLS szállítás esetén


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